Unlocking Salesforce Big Objects & It’s Top Benefits

If you are using a Salesforce system for your business, there is a high possibility that you are spending millions of dollars on additional Salesforce data storage. It looks unlikely to not run over your data storage limits when an average org only has a few gigs of data available. As a business grows, it adds new users and most likely starts using different Salesforce solutions for different business objectives. Data volume will grow at a radical pace and you just can’t stop it. 

However, 70% of the data we keep are potentially archivable as they fall under historical data category which means we don’t often use them. So, do you really need to pay such a hefty price just to keep your historical data? It’s a big ‘NO’ when you have the option of archiving. It’s been a long run challenge for Salesforce customers when they consider archiving their data. But with the big arrival of Big Objects, the enigma seems to be unlocked. Yes, Big Objects. You must be asking what’s big about it? How it can solve data storage challenges? Let’s unlock the mystery of Big Objects and why top Salesforce customers are choosing Big Objects for their data archival.

Big Objects: What’s Big?

The prime objective of Big Objects is that it can store huge volumes of data at a native level. How much data? Thousands of records? No. Millions of records?? No. Big Objects can store Billions of records and even more. It is an ocean full of data. For a growing enterprise, data volume will only increase with time and business expansion. It becomes impracticable to store & manage this much data without impacting the performance as well as fetching insights that can help taking forward business decisions. Big Objects allows users to store large chunks of data and also manage them smoothly without compromising performance. 

Read This: What are Big Objects? And how is it solving the age-old Salesforce data storage problem?

Big Objects: Key Benefits

Apart from being introduced to address three specific scenarios that are Historical Archiving, Auditing & Tracking and 360° View of the Customer, Big Objects has its own set of key benefits easing these three aspects. 

Future Storage: Big Objects is Salesforce’s big data-based storage system. Salesforce users can use it as a storage platform and store their historical data at a native level which assures the highest security. Salesforce provides storage of 1 million free big objects records per org and it can be increased. 

Cost-effective: As we know additional Salesforce data storage cost is at a higher level, Big Objects offers a very cost-effective storage option as compared to data storage. You can save over 80% of your data storage costs leveraging Big Objects. That’s huge.

Scalable: Big Objects is highly scalable as there is no limit. 

Analytics & Prediction: Data is the new oil & who doesn’t want to get the best out of their data. Analytics can be used effortlessly on the large volumes of data stored in the Big Objects and narrow down relevant insights from heaps of data. No need to use external analytical tools or techniques as you can apply analytics within the Salesforce system. 

Improvement of User Experience: Big Objects is built to process a large volume of data. This will take out the load from the primary data storage and ultimately improve the overall performance of your CRM. 

Async SOQL: Async SOQL is the most efficient way to process a large volume of data in the Big Objects. Big Objects is a highly scalable solution that uses a subset of SOQL commands, making it easy to use for anyone already familiar with SOQL. With Async SOQL, you can run multiple queries in the background while monitoring their completion status.

Addressing Audit & Compliance Demands: With Big Objects, you can retain your Salesforce data for a long long period of time for compliance purposes. With the introduction of GDPR, it is now mandatory for businesses to ensure the highest customer data storage. Big Objects is the perfect option to store customer data within the Salesforce system itself without exposing externally. 

The Bottomline

Big Objects is the best answer to the age-old Salesforce data archival challenge because of it’s potential to juggle massive volumes of data within the Salesforce platform. For many top enterprises using a Salesforce CRM, Big Objects arrived as a savior with DataArchiva as the enabler. Being the ONLY Native Data Archiving Solution for Salesforce powered by Big Objects, DataArchiva helps to archive historical or less used Salesforce data (e.g. old emails, contacts, cases, leads, etc.) without compromising data integrity with seamless access. 

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DataArchiva is the ONLY Native Data Archiving Solution for Salesforce using Big Objects that help Salesforce application users archive their historical data without losing data integrity.

For more info, please get in touch with us  [email protected]