Better manage your critical customer data in Salesforce with optimized
storage & seamless long-term retention to meet regulatory compliance demands
In today’s digitally-driven business era, the importance of data has become inevitable. In multiple ways, data is not only streamlining critical business processes but also helping enterprises enjoy that extra cheese over their competitors. While we talk about data & its significance in the financial sector, it is undoubtedly limitless. The financial industry runs on data & the volume of data they deal with is massive.
Financial companies often consider certain critical aspects of data such as storage cost, storage environment, security, accessibility, integrity, and compliance while adopting a data management strategy. Archiving historical data can help financial service providers address challenges like storage space optimization, bringing the storage costs down, maintaining high CRM performance, and retaining data for a longer time. DataArchiva helps financial enterprises using a Salesforce application (Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Financial Cloud, Platform, etc.) archive Salesforce data at a native-level.
DataArchiva is built to help Salesforce customers transform all their data management needs in the most secure & simplest way
Schedule your data archiving job hourly, weekly, monthly, or quarterly
Set your custom archiving policy depending on your data & business requirements
View your archived data right from your Salesforce system
Takes care of your complex object relationships of any level
Restore all your archived records with one click
Supports encryption & data will be encrypted in Big Objects
DataArchiva is the ONLY Native Data Archiving Solution for Salesforce using Big Objects that help Salesforce application users archive their historical data without losing data integrity.
For more info, please get in touch with us [email protected]