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We are Salesforce Data Management Experts

  • Archive Salesforce Data to BigObjects using DataArchiva
  • Archive Salesforce Data using any External Cloud/On-premise Platform with DataConnectiva
  • Protect your Data using our Data Backup & Recovery Solution DataBakup
  • Archive Salesforce Files to any External Storage using XfilesPro
Amazing product & team
I have worked with the DataArchiva team to implement this product to alleviate our platforms increasing storage limits. My stakeholders love that they can see their data easily. Everything is visible & accessible, without their 'cheese' being moved. I was fortunate to be engaged with so many great employees of DataArchiva. From support, technical, sales, marketing; they are very responsive and kind.
Lisa Berry
Travel & Hospitality Company
Looking to archive your Salesforce data in order to better optimize data growth, performance & compliance? Look to these case studies

DataArchiva is the ONLY Native Data Archiving Solution for Salesforce using Big Objects that help Salesforce application users archive their historical data without losing data integrity.

For more info, please get in touch with us  [email protected]